Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Yup, just yesterday I got to stay all day with my Grandpa. My cousins Makenzie and Brynlee were there too. But, Kenzie had to go to pre-school for a while. My aunt Breigh came and took her. Then Nana bringed her after she got off work. Before she picked her up we went for a walk. I took my baby too.

 Grandpa said I could read about my day when I get older. We had lots of fun!
Made "FOR FREE" In Seconds Flat With "STENCIL"
I had the new outfit that Great Aunt Lori got me for my birthday! It fits me just right and I love it! Nana read us books! Grandpa played a board game with us, too! Before I knew it my Daddy was there to pick me up.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Today Is my Birthday!

I am 3 years old today! Yup 3 years old!
Grandpa says as soon as I can read and write I get to take over this blog!
I will have a blog of fun!
I can hardly wait!
I got a Lambie! It was just what I wanted!
I love Her So!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

There was an early birthday party just for me. A cake...presents and I got to blow out my own candles!
It was Thanksgiving Day 3 days before my 3rd birthday!
Everyone gathered at Grandma's house and it was a yummy Cake!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Jo Blogger

Grandpa says that I am growing like a bad weed. I will be three years old near the end of the month of November and Grandpa said that I have to learn how to type before I can take over my blogging. Maybe when I am four? He told me about programs that will type for me. All I have to do is talk and the computer will type the words thay I say, for me. I've gotta try that out, sounds easy to me.

A lot has happened since  the last time I was here. My mother is going to have a baby! Yup! I want a little sister bad! Mom has a chance to find out at her next doctor appontment, hope it's a girl. But, if I end up with a brother....oh well that's life!

Granpa tells me to be a good girl for Momma and Daddy next year when the baby comes. He says, "Be brave! You are not the baby anymore."
"You will have to be a big girl and help where ever you can."

I was Doc. McStuffins for Halloween...my Mom is a Nurse, did you know?
Got lots of candy! Saw my Nana and Grandpa during the day and trick or treated later that night at home.

My middle name is JO.

Halloween 2015

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Little Livi Jo

Livi Jo

One on one with.... Alivia Jo.... One Year Ago.:)

Posted by Rodger Badgerow on Wednesday, July 1, 2015